Tour tickets are available for purchase! Add a Guided Tour of the Stanley Home Museum to your list of ‘Things to Do in Estes Park’.Buy a ticket
Attend our most extravagant event of the year, the 2024 Stanley Home Museum Gala!Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kurtis Kelly – Estes Park History Portrayalist

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As a history re-enactor, I marvel at the Stanley Historic Home as an ideal setting to celebrate the amazing stories of its original occupants. To enter this home is to be drawn immediately into its charm. Securing this historic treasure as a public site would be an economic, educational, and cultural “win” for our community, as it would become a destination for locals and visitors of all ages.

When I enjoy festivals at our town’s Indoor Event Center, or relish the sounds of Celtic rock at Scottish Fest, or cheer the Rooftop Rodeo, I’m reminded that these joys are possible thanks to F.O. and Flora Stanley’s gift of 54 acres of meadowland to our residents. These annual events happen thanks to a place we call Stanley Park. Now it’s time to match F.O.’s philanthropy by acquiring the home ready to honor his inspiring story and legacy.

Let’s not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire the Stanley Home for our civic benefit.

-Kurtis Kelly, Estes Park History Portrayalist

Book a Guided Tour

Ready to book your private, guided tour of the Stanley Home Museum? Get your tickets now!