Tour tickets are available for purchase! Add a Guided Tour of the Stanley Home Museum to your list of ‘Things to Do in Estes Park’.Buy a ticket
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estes park rotary club duck race festival banner

2024 Estes Park Rotary Club Duck Race Festival

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Support the Stanley Home Museum through the Estes Park Rotary Club Duck Race Festival!

We’re excited to announce that The Stanley Home Museum is participating in this year’s Estes Park Rotary Club Duck Race Festival! This cherished community event is not just a day of fun and excitement; it’s a meaningful way to contribute to local causes, including our very own museum dedicated to preserving the legacy of F.O. Stanley and his historic home.

By adopting a duck through our dedicated page, you’re directly supporting the museum’s efforts in maintaining and enhancing this historical gem for future generations. Every duck adopted under The Stanley Home Museum’s name contributes to our funding, helping us continue our mission of education, preservation, and celebration of Estes Park’s rich history.

How Can You Help?

  1. Adopt a Duck: Visit our adoption page to choose your lucky duck. Your adoption not only gets you a participant in the race but also ensures a portion of the proceeds benefits The Stanley Home Museum directly.
  2. Spread the Word: Share our cause with friends, family, and community members. The more ducks adopted in our name, the greater the support for our museum.
  3. Join the Festivities: The Duck Race Festival is a fantastic day out for families, locals, and visitors. Come enjoy the fun, and cheer on your duck!

Scan the QR Code to Donate

Why Your Support Matters to the Stanley Home Museum

The Stanley Home Museum is more than just a museum; it’s a cornerstone of our community that educates and inspires visitors with the story of the Stanleys and their influence on our town. Donations from the duck race will support various museum projects, including restoration work, educational programs, and community events.

stanley home museum docent standing next to an inflatable duck for the estes park rotary club duck race festival

Mark Your Calendar!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to support us while enjoying one of Estes Park’s most beloved annual events on May 4th, 2024. Your participation ensures we can keep the legacy of the Stanley Home alive and thriving for all who wish to step back in time and experience the magic of our local history.

Thank you for your continued support, and let’s get quacking for a cause!

Note: Ensure to check the Duck Race’s official website or contact the Estes Park Rotary Club for detailed information on race day events, prizes, and any updates related to the festival. Your contribution makes a difference, and we’re grateful for every duck adopted in support of The Stanley Home Museum!

Book a Guided Tour

Ready to book your private, guided tour of the Stanley Home Museum? Get your tickets now!